August Newsletter 2019

The latest ISCAR Newsletter is out! 13 pages packed with news of ISCAR Congress 2020 (proposal submission deadline 30 September!), recent events, books, chapters and articles by members, new SIGs, a Conceptual Playlab, and more!

You can download it here!


Conceptual PlayLab

The Conceptual PlayLab is Australia’s first national programmatic study that aims to research a cultural-historical model of teaching science, technology, engineering and mathematics to young children.  The 5 year study draws upon cultural-historical theory and methodology to create significant shifts in the ways STEM concepts are taught to young children in play-based settings in Australia, and elsewhere.  Our Conceptual PlayLab is funded by the Australian Research Council and is led by Monash University Laureate Professor Marilyn Fleer. Three pillars of research are each led by a Senior Research Fellow: Dr Glykeria Fragkiadaki, Dr Maria Hatzigianni and Dr Prabhat Rai. Six PhD scholarship holders, one Research Officer, Dr Sue March, and several affiliated PhD candidates and visiting scholars are dedicated to taking the research forward. The first pillar studies children’s thinking in STEM from infancy and into school, the second pillar is centered on how families create the conditions for a motive orientation to STEM, and the third pillar studies teachers and the STEM PlayWorld practices in play-based settings. Here is our latest newsletter. Read more, download our free app and subscribe to our newsletter.

Fernando González Rey – Obituary

It is with great sadness that we report the passing of Fernando González Rey on 27th March 2019. Fernando was an inspiration to many of us, with infinite generosity of time and intellect. His contribution and legacy to our field, as well as to many others around the world, is outstanding. He will be greatly missed by many. Below are some words from Adolfo Tanzi.

Cuban, settled in Brazil, Professor Fernando González Rey received a Doctorate in Psychology from the Institute of General and Pedagogic Psychology of Moscow and a Doctorate in Science from the Institute of Psychology of the Academic of Sciences of the Soviet Union. Initially his theoretical work was on the subject of the personality, beginning in 1973 in the Institute of General Psychology and Pedagogical of Moscow.

 Fernando González Rey influenced the movement of critical social psychology in Latin America and deepened his studies in social psychology, contributing critically on the importance of the concepts of subject and subjectivity. His scientific contribution – theoretical epistemological and methodological – resulted in his being awarded the Inter-American Prize of Psychology in 1991.

 In pursuit of the development of new theoretical-practical horizons Fernando focused on the Theory of Subjectivity in a cultural-historical perspective. From this work, he completed his first book, published simultaneously in São Paulo and Havana, on Qualitative Epistemology and Subjectivity in 1997. He was the supervisor of several master’s and doctoral studies and coordinated the research group on “Subjectivity in health and education”.

 Fernando González Rey leaves a legacy of publications, theoretical discussions, lectures and classes for future researchers in the area. He was enthusiastic in the deepening of discussions on Vygotsky and his legacy, contributed extensively to the ISCAR Brazil section, and the Society more broadly, and was available to all interested in Cultural-historical research. His passing leaves for all of us a space for reflection and continuity of his arduous work on the epistemological and methodological problems that derive from the study of the subjectivity in the area of Psychology.

The President, the executives of ISCAR and the ISCAR in Brazil send their condolences to the family of Fernando González Rey. We also share some thoughts with the community. We are glad that we had him as a keynote speaker in ISCAR 2014 International Conference. The new researchers have to learn a lot from his work. 
The ISCAR President

7e Séminaire international Vygotski

Première annonce Septième Séminaire internationale Vygotski Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer que le septième séminaire international Vygotski se tiendra du 20 – 22 juin 2018 à l’Université de Genève Nous l’organisons sous le titre général Vygotski en débat Il aura pour but de déterminer collectivement si en et quoi les nouvelles traductions de textes de Vygotsky renouvellent la lecture et l’interprétation de ses travaux, de discuter de manière critique des contributions récentes concernant son œuvre et de rendre hommage à Jérôme Bruner, décédé récemment, le premier à avoir fait traduire Pensée et langage en anglais et interprète et continuateur de l’œuvre vygotskienne. Nous organisons ce séminaire comme un séminaire, à savoir notamment sous forme de lectures croisées de nouveaux textes traduits en français de et d’ouvrages récents concernant Vygotski ainsi que de certaines contributions de Jérôme Bruner. Un appel d’offres ciblé sera également lancé. Trois axes ont provisoirement été définis : 1. Développement du concept de développement : de Histoire du développement des fonctions psychiques supérieures aux Cours de pédologiques et Problème de l’âge 2. Vygotski, Marx, Spinoza et les autres : débats autour de publications récentes 3. Hommage à Jérôme Bruner, lecteur de Vygotski (et de Piaget…) Le comité d’organisation et le comité scientifiques sont en voie de constitution. Des informations plus précises seront données sous

d’ici la fin du mois d’août. Pour le comité d’organisation provisoire Christiane Moro et Bernard Schneuwly

Septième Symposium international Vygotski_V5_23.11.2017_A5

Septième Symposium international Vygotski_V5_23.11.2017_A2

ISCAR Newsletter November 2017

We are pleased to offer the latest ISCAR Newsletter Nov 2017 available for download. It contains:

  • A report on the ISCAR Congress 2017 in Québec
  • Details of the PhD day linked to the Congress, including winners of best oral presentation and posters
  • News from the new Executive Committee
  • A welcome message from our new President, Katerina Plakitsi
  • A (further) tribute to Fiodor Vasilyuk
  • Information about upcoming events
  • Details of a special issue on innovating in Vygotsky’s heritage
  • A spotlight on CHAT-related activity in Iran
  • Call for contributions to future Newsletters
  • Details about membership.



A Tribute to our Colleague and Friend, Dr. Fiodor Efimovish Vasiliuk





University of Ioannina
School of Education
Department of Early Childhood Education
Full Professor Katerina Plakitsi
University Campus 45110 Ioannina Greece
E-mail:[email protected];
Tel.:+306972898463, +302651005771
Fax: +302651005842


A Tribute to  Fiodor Efimovish Vasiliuk

Katerina Plakitsi
ISCAR President

On behalf of the ISCAR Executive Committee and the ISCAR Society
A Tribute to our Colleague and Friend, Dr. Fiodor Efimovish Vasiliuk


On behalf of the ISCAR Executive Committee and the ISCAR Society, I would like to mention that in whatever role we knew Fiodor Efimovish Vasiliuk, he stood apart as someone special! His special abilities and charismatic personality were readily apparent in the ISCAR researching endeavor! It was clear that he would most likely have an outstanding career as a scholar.

Fiodor was committed to research focused on The Psychology of Experiencing (1984/1988), which constitutes the first important contribution to the field of psychodynamic theory made by a Soviet author in the last 50 years.  He was passionate about his effort to integrate Western ideas with the psychological principles developed in Vygotsky’s school. He was a transformative leader and change agent who had a highly original approach to the phenomenon of coping with critical psychological situations. He had a gift of innovative thinking, a visionary spirit, and the tenacious patience required to successfully integrate classical and more recent Western studies of the psychodynamics of the unconscious.

The central notion of Vasilyuk’s theory is that of “experiencing perezhivanie.” The Russian word perezhivanie has a spectrum of different meanings. In the context of Vasilyuk’s work it should probably be rendered as ‘‘living through” a crisis. The term experiencing denotes “a special inner activity or inner work by means of which an individual succeeds in withstanding various (usually painful) events and situations in life, succeeds in regaining the mental equilibrium which has been temporarily lost-succeeds, in short, in coping with a crisis” (p. 18). Although Vasilyuk discusses different critical situations, his most original contribution is to understanding how we endure deep, existential crises.

In addition to his devotion to his work and to the improvement of psychology locally and globally, Fiodor always found time for the young generation supporting the ISCAR Summer Universities in Moscow. It was a privilege for ISCAR Society to have shared parts of Fiodor’s life. His public recognitions reveal that his, was a distinguished career of considerable import! Energy, commitment, integrity are all words that begin to capture ISCAR’s image of Fiodor. Would that we had many more like him. But he was one of kind and will be sorely missed as a colleague, scholar and friend. ISCAR Society will be poor without Fiodor Efimovish Vasiliuk but rich with the legacy he left behind.


Katerina Plakitsi

ISCAR President