Legal Information

Executive Orders of ISCAR

ISCAR’s Executive Orders are reviewed, revalidated and renumbered every successive period of office of the Executive, whereon previous Executive Orders expire.

The current valid Executive Orders are:

No. 28: Membership Service

No. 29: IT Resources

No. 30: Communication Resources

No. 31: Congress Policy

No. 32: Employing a Former ISCAR President as an Advisor

No. 33: Website Policy

No. 34: ISCAR Service Medal

No. 35: Membership Contributions

No. 36: Ongoing Communication between the ISCAR Executive Committee and its Website

No. 37: Grants to Participate in ISCAR Congresses

No. 38: Summer Events for PhD Students and Early Career Researchers

No. 39: Publication

No. 40: Economical Support for Association Activities


Executive Order No. 28: Membership Service

The Executive Committee is responsible to:

  • provide a possibility for persons to register as members or be reinstated after a lapsed membership
  • provide at least three reminders for persons to pay their membership contribution, if they are due
  • provide possibilities to pay the membership contribution
  • provide possibilities to deposit these contributions in the Association’s bank account
  • maintain a membership database, including:
  • registering new members into the database
  • updating member address information
  • removing members
  • seek and maintain membership benefits
  • communicate about membership benefits to members
  • answer queries from members concerning their membership status and payment procedures
  • answer queries from members concerning membership benefits
  • handle other queries from members

The Executive Committee may delegate responsibility for some or all of these tasks, but ultimate responsibility for their adequate performance rests with the Committee.

This Executive Order expires on 11th November 2021.


Executive Order No. 29: IT Resources

The Executive Committee is responsible to ensure that the following information technology resources are provided:

  • web server
  • mailing lists
  • databases (members, congress participants, payments)

The domain name is owned by the Association. At all times the website management system must be accessible to the Executive committee and maintainable by it. The Executive Committee may delegate responsibility for this provision, but ultimate responsibility for adequate service rests with the Committee.

This Executive Order expires on 11th November 2021.


Executive Order No. 30: Communication Resources

The Executive Committee is responsible for:

  • organizing a regularly-published newsletter
  • maintaining and updating the Association website
  • providing mailing lists for organisation business
  • providing mailing lists for member activities, especially sections.
  • providing access to the web-server for sections


This Executive Order expires on 11th November 2021.


Executive Order No. 31: Congress Policy


ISCAR holds an international Congress every third year.

Congress Language

The Congress language is English and all abstracts must be submitted in English. The local organising committee may also introduce other languages into the Congress, but these sessions should be clearly marked in the program. The way in which these sessions will operate both in English and additional language/s should be clearly explained. If the main language of the Congress location is not English, then the congress organizers are encouraged to have simultaneous translation of keynote speeches and other main events.

Selection of Organizing Committee

The Executive Committee, based on Article 30, delegates responsibility for organizing the ISCAR Congress to a ‘local organizing committee’ of one or more persons.

Ideally this appointment should occur before or during the next Congress held after the current Executive Committee’s election.

The appointment must be made no later than two years before the planned date of the next Congress

The Executive Committee acknowledges the difficulties in finding an able and willing person (or group) to organize the Congress, who also has a suitable location and infrastructure. This is the first consideration in choosing a ‘local organizing committee.’

If more than one person/group is interested, then considerations like cost, geographical distribution, and location of previous Congresses can be considered.

Selection of the ‘local organizing committee’ is made by consensus within the Executive Committee. If a consensus cannot be reached, then a vote agreed on a simple majority will be taken.

Practical Organization

As part of the delegation of responsibility to the organizing committee, a single person is appointed by the Executive Committee as the formal representative between the local organizing committee and the Executive Committee. This person will work together with the Congress President to ensure that the Congress is organised in ways that follow the spirit and traditions of previous ISCAR Congresses.

The local organizing committee has complete freedom in appointing other members to help with organisation.

The organizing committee should ask the Executive Committee for advice and support and it should consult with the Executive Committee about the keynote speakers.

Congress Themes

Recognizing the diversity of the theoretical and substantive interests found within ISCAR, the Executive Committee wants to provide a process for members to inform the organisers about possible relevant themes. The following procedure will be used:

No later than two years before the date of the next Congress, a general call for thematic proposals will be issued to all ISCAR sections.

Each national or regional section should submit their proposals to the relevant member of the Executive Committee, while each of the thematic sections should submit their proposals to the Vice-President.

Each Executive Committee member should be active in soliciting views of the members in their region.

The Vice-President is responsible for collecting all the proposals together and submitting them to the Congress organisers, no later than 22 months before the planned date of the Congress.

The organising Committee must submit a draft proposal for the Congress themes to the Executive Committee, no later than 20 months before the Congress.

The Executive Committee may give comments no later than one month after receiving the proposal. The comments are important for the organizing of the Congress. The organizing committee will make the final decision about the Congress themes in consultation with the Executive Committee.

Congress Structure

The collaborative decision of the Congress president and the organising committee, with the support of the Executive Committee if needed, is free to organize Congress as it sees fit, including, but not limited to: number of days, structure of the sessions, invited sessions and choice of keynote speakers. The congress organisers should offer the opportunity of an invited session to each of the 10 regions, and announce these invited sessions in the congress program.

Educational Activities

The local organizing committee is encouraged to call for proposals to offer educational activities (workshops, doctoral courses, and similar events) before and/or after the Congress.

Publication Activities

The local organizing committee is encouraged to plan for the publication of at least one edited volume of selected papers from the Congress. In addition, other publication forms (e.g., CD-ROM, net-based) can be considered.

Financial Organisation

The Congress must be self-supporting (i.e., the budget for the Congress should be supported by Congress fees and/or any additional funds that the organizing committee can raise).

The Executive Committee may, after written application from the local organizing committee, give a loan, a shortfall guarantee, a direct grant, or some combination of these three possibilities. The total combined funds committed through these three forms can never be more than 33% of the Association’s total liquid assets. However, it is encouraged that the Local Organising Committee ensures that its planned activities fall within their proposed budget.

A loan cannot be greater than 33% of Association’s total liquid assets. This loan is expected to be repaid no later than 3 months after the completion of the Congress.

A shortfall guarantee (i.e., to cover costs if the Congress loses money) must not exceed 25% of the Association’s liquid assets. If the Congress achieves a profit, then the Association must receive the amount that corresponds to its guarantee.

A direct grant (i.e., not to be repaid) may not exceed 25% of the Association’s liquid assets.

Membership Reduction at Congresses

Unless they are first-time new members, reduction in the Congress fee will only be offered to ISCAR members who have bought a three-year membership up to and including the calendar year that the Congress is being held.

This Executive Order expires on 11th November 2021.


Executive Order No. 32: Employing a Former ISCAR President as an Advisor

In case an ISCAR president is not re-elected as an Executive Committee member the new Executive Committee might employ him/ her as its advisor for as many years as the Executive Committee considers necessary. The agreement of at least two thirds of the new Executive Committee members is required for this decision to be taken.

This Executive Order expires on the 11th November 2021.


Executive Order No. 33: Website Policy

The main purpose of the Association website is to support the work of the Association, as a central organization, which is aimed at supporting scientific communication among its members, and to support communication with other scientific organisations, where much of the scientific activity within the Association is initiated and supported at local, national, regional levels.
The minimal functions to be provided on the Association website are:

  • information about membership
  • information about membership benefits
  • current information about activities of the Association
  • guidance to current information about section activities
  • historical information about the Association and its precursors
  • information about affiliated journals, standard and other selected publications and reductions for ISCAR members.

Specific projects (e.g., reference databases, document databases) will be conceived as local or individual projects, initiated by members, though it may be appropriate for the Executive Committee (e.g., through the newsletter) to inform members about and/or support such projects (e.g., financial support for computer programming, use of web server).

The Executive Committee can delegate to a “Website Working Group” the task of taking charge of additional activities and functions beyond those mentioned here, but these must be approved by the Executive Committee before they are implemented.

This Executive Order expires on 11th November 2021.


Executive Order No. 34: ISCAR Service Medal


To acknowledge significant contribution in creating and/or supporting material conditions within the Association’s purpose as described in Article 3 (‘promote and develop multidisciplinary theoretical and empirical research on societal, cultural and historical dimensions of human practices’).

Two kinds of awards may be offered. One award is for members who are retired from employment and the other award is for members who have full time employment.

An award to a member who has retired from full time employment is eligible for:

  1. Congress fee
  2. Travel to Congress (economy rate)
  3. Accommodation during Congress (amount that corresponds to economy rate)

An award to a member who has full time employment shall be free congress participation and a symbolic gift (such as an engraved pen). The member will be recognised for their contributions as described in Article 3 and will receive a letter of recognition.


The person proposed has made significant contribution to promoting or sustaining the research community that has historically had active participation within ISCAR. Examples of significant contribution might include newsletter editing, congress organisation, doctoral course organisation, hosting visiting researchers, development and/or maintenance of web-based resources, compilation and/or editing of significant texts. For purposes of the medal, ‘significant contribution’ would consist of two or more of these activities.

The person proposed has not previously received a Service Medal.

Selection Process

Nominations (including self-nomination) should be sent to the Executive Committee. Members of the Executive Committee may also nominate persons.

Nominations can be made at any time.

The nomination should include a short account (usually no more than 1/2 page) that indicates the nominee’s contribution.

To be considered for a coming Congress, nominations must be received no later than six weeks before the first announced deadline for paper submissions.

The Executive Committee is the sole and final judge of whether the eligibility criteria are fulfilled and whether to award any medals.

For a given Congress, more than one medal may be awarded.

For a given Congress, the Executive Committee may decide not to award any medals.

If nominations are received, the Executive Committee is obligated only to report whether or not any medals have been awarded.

Practical considerations

A nomination may be received by any member of the Executive Committee. The recipient will forward the nomination to all members of the Executive for their consideration (usually via email list). A discussion will be held, and a decision must be made by at least two-thirds of the group for an award to be made. The Secretary will inform the Congress Organising Committee so that an award ceremony may be scheduled into the Congress program. A letter/certificate will be drafted by the Secretary, which includes the purpose (Article 3) of the award, and this will be presented to the recipient at the Congress. The information on the nomination will be read out at the Congress during the award ceremony.

This Executive Order expires on the 11th November 2021.


Executive Order No. 35: Membership Contributions

Membership Rates for 2015 Onwards

The ISCAR membership contribution is per calendar year.

There is also the possibility of a three-year membership, which requires a previous membership of ISCAR of at least two years, unless purchased by a new first-time member. Only members with three-year membership ending in the calendar year of Congress will be eligible for a reduction in Congress fee (see Order 31).

ISCAR members may choose between regular or reduced membership on the basis of their economic/financial situation.

The regular membership contribution for 2015 onwards is €35 (euros) for one calendar year and €85 (euros) for three years.

The reduced membership contribution is €20 (euros) for one calendar year and €60 (euros) for three years.

A free 1-year membership for members in special situations is also possible. To apply for this free membership, please make your case in writing to the President, who will make the final decision, assisted by the Treasurer. The criterion we use for reducing a fee or awarding a free membership is where the applicant has a reduced income (i.e. a student or a retired person) or earns a relatively lower income (i.e. where exchange rates and/or the applicant’s income in a particular country make our fees expensive in relative terms).

To apply for the free membership, please contact the treasurer of ISCAR.

Exemptions and Exceptions

Members who are not able to pay their contribution according to the existing methods may apply to the Treasurer for an exceptional arrangement.

Practical aspects (implementation):

  1. The Treasurer should ask the member if it is possible that they have a friend or colleague in another country who could make the payment for them.
  2. If no, then the Treasurer asks the person if they are coming to Congress. Membership payment can be made at Congress.
  3. The exempted member presents their payment in cash for a three-year membership to the Treasurer (or a nominated member of the Executive Committee or another nominee as organized by the Treasurer) at the Congress.
  4. The three-year period begins at the Congress where the payment is made, and is valid until the next Congress.
  5. In the event that the exempted member cannot attend the Congress, it is the responsibility of the exempted member to send cash payment with someone from their region who will be attending the Congress. If no payment is received, membership is cancelled.

This Executive Order expires on 11th November 2021.


Executive Order No. 36: Ongoing Communication between the ISCAR Executive Committee and its Website

It is the responsibility of the ISCAR Secretary, or their nominee, to ensure that the website content is up to date. Updates will occur regularly, potentially once per month, or when activities are reported for inclusion on the website.

The ISCAR Secretary or their nominee will pass on updates to the Web Team so that the information can be uploaded.

A person or a group of persons coordinated by one representative with some familiarity with websites may be employed for to maintain the content of the website. This person/group of persons will work under the direction of the ISCAR Secretary. Costs associated with this work are the responsibility of ISCAR and must be agreed by the Executive prior to any undertaking.

It is the responsibility of the ISCAR Secretary or their nominee to update content immediately after each Congress, when the configuration of the Executive Committee may change, when the contact details of an executive member change, when a newsletter is published, and when decisions are made by the executive that require amendments to documents on the website, such as updating Orders. In addition, the ISCAR Secretary or their nominee will put relevant information from Sections onto the Website.

The ISCAR Secretary or their nominee will provide accurate information for uploading to the website, and this will be done within a two week period from the notice of changes being given. The web team will upload changes ASAP, but preferably within a two-week period. This will ensure that in any given 30 day period, the website will be upgraded.
This Executive Order expires on 11th November 2021.


Executive Order No. 37: Grants to Participate in ISCAR Congresses

ISCAR as an organisation seeks to provide additional support to Majority World Country ISCAR members and researchers who are interested in ISCAR and wish to attend the Congress. In line with this important principle, ISCAR may offer grants for researchers from the majority world, who would like to participate in the ISCAR Congress and do not have enough funds. The grants may cover registration fees, accommodation during the congress, and travel costs.

Interested applicants should have adequate research and communication skills and work in one of the research fields that are described in the ISCAR flyer. Applications will be evaluated in terms of their contribution to Congress. Long standing membership of ISCAR is desirable but not crucial. The ISCAR Executive Committee in coordination with the local Congress organizers may appoint an external committee or adjunct committee members which will set the criteria of the evaluation of applications and organize the whole process for the selection of scholars. One PhD student or early career researcher should participate in the decision-making process.

Applications should include:

  • A proposal for a paper to be presented at the Congress.
  • A brief letter that describes the job and financial situation of the applicant, including details of income. In addition, the applicant should give details of how attending the ISCAR Congress will benefit them and what impact this will have on their future work.
  • A short CV, which will include information on previous participation in conferences, the applicant’s full contact details and contact details. For Ph.D. students or early career researchers, two local professors should act as referees. If the applicant and/or the referee have a webpage in any language, this information should be given as well.
  • Other pieces of information as defined by the external committee
  • Details of membership history with ISCAR

The relevance and quality of the proposal and the applicant’s profile as well as the hardship of his/her financial situation will be evaluated.

This Executive Order expires on 11th November 2021.


Executive Order No. 38: Summer Events for PhD Students and Early Career Researchers

ISCAR recognizes the need for providing support to PhD students and early career researchers who share an interest in ISCAR-related topics. ISCAR takes the support of activities of PhD students and early-career researchers as its priority. Following the principles of the theories and methodologies of ISCAR scholars, ISCAR approves the active and non-hierarchical participation of PhD students and early career researchers in all ISCAR-related local and international events. At the same time ISCAR understands the need for PhD students and early career researchers to create and participate in their own networks and discuss common problems related to writing a thesis or beginning an academic career, as well as the exchange of ideas and resources beyond the borders of local groups or national sections in which the students and early career researchers might participate and be trained. ISCAR wants also to minimize the distance between established scholars and PhD students/early career researchers as well as between researchers from the majority and minority world.

In this sense:

  • ISCAR supports the organization of PhD students and early career researchers inside ISCAR and their active participation in ISCAR business. Where possible ISCAR will provide information platforms and technologies to facilitate this kind of organization.
  • ISCAR supports the organization of summer events, PhD and early career researchers’ meetings and workshops, on both the local and international levels. These events should encourage learning by doing and active participation and discourage traditional forms of schooling. These events should also thematically reflect the diversity of ISCAR-related approaches, and encourage the generation of new ideas, new forms of theory and practice, as well as enable interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary border-crossing.
  • Such events should be inclusive in terms of class, disability, gender, colour, ethnicity/race, and age-related differences and if possible enable interaction in different languages. In very practical terms such events should have very low fees, and if possible provide free accommodation and travel expenses to all participants. Alternatively virtual interaction technologies might be used, which can enable long-distance access for participants who cannot travel.
  • Such events should also provide (at least some) spaces for the informal and direct interaction between established ISCAR scholars and PhD students/ early career researchers as well as between researchers from different countries.
  • Such events can take place regularly, if possible more than once per year at different continents.
  • On the ground of these principles, the ISCAR Executive Committee delegates responsibility to the hosts or organizers of these events to organize such an event in the way they consider to be best. The local organizing committee has complete freedom in appointing others to help with the organization and in making all kind of decisions. The local organizing committee is welcome to ask the Executive Committee for advice and support, but is not obligated in any way to consult with the Executive Committee. Such events should be self-supporting (i.e., the budget for these events should be supported by funds from local universities and research entities, or any additional funds that the organizing committee can raise).
  • In order to enable the immediate interaction between the Executive Committee and the PhD students/early career researchers at least one member of the Executive Committee will be encouraged to participate to such an event. Because ISCAR Executive Committee self fund their own travel, there is no guarantee that it will be possible for an Executive Committee member to attend these events. This person however is not necessarily expected to participate in decision-making about the local organization.
  • The local organizing committee is encouraged to plan for the publication of at least one journal special issue with selected papers from such an event. The ISCAR affiliated journals can be requested to accept the publication of such a special issue. In addition, other publication forms (e.g., CD-ROM, net-based) can be considered.

This Executive Order expires on 11th November 2021.


Executive Order No. 39: Publication

In the event that the Executive Committee receives or solicits presentations/papers from the Congress, the following procedure should be followed:

  • Ensure that future publications continue to promote and develop ISCAR’s interests and take into consideration presentations planned by Congress organizers.
  • Ensure that the keynote or special contribution is not published or in press in a substantively similar form or version, since this obviates our intention to offer a publication which is not publicly available elsewhere.
  • To ensure parity, if resources allow, contact all keynote presenters and enquire whether they are interested in publishing on the ISCAR website.
  • Limit the potential formats to ‘open formats’ (i.e. considered open to all users) in the style of a lecture slide show or a written paper.
  • Ensure quality by having the document reviewed by an Executive Committee member or their nominee.
  • Adopt a house style for each of these formats that is good value yet of a high digital quality of publication.
  • License publications through open access licensing agreement (e.g. Creative Commons see, and thereby publish on a not-for-profit basis.
  • Set a deadline for receiving draft publications with an ISCAR executive member, or ISCAR member, taking responsibility for the editorial process and liaising with the publication setter throughout the process.
  • Upload to ISCAR website and publicize widely to membership.

This Executive Order expires on 11th November 2021.


Executive Order No. 40: Economical Support for Association Activities

ISCAR as an organisation wants to provide additional economical support to ISCAR members to promote and develop multidisciplinary theoretical and empirical research on societal, cultural and historical dimensions of human practices.

Four categories of activities will be supported:

  • thematic symposiums or regional meetings between conferences
  • Invited regional and thematic sessions at the ISCAR Congress
  • Meeting of the Executive Committee between ISCAR Congresses
  • Congress registration fees for the Executive Committee

Organisation and Administration

The Executive Committee may appoint an external committee to formulate evaluation criteria.

If and when an external committee is selected, it will formulate criteria for evaluation of applications, which have to be approved by two-thirds of the Executive Committee.

The external committee evaluates applications and makes recommendations to the Executive Committee.

Application can be sent two times a year by August 5th and by January 5th and will be evaluated within two months by the external committee and approved by at least two-thirds of the Executive Committee.

Thematic symposiums and regional meetings

To gain support these symposiums and meetings have to be open to all ISCAR members.

Applications must include:

  • A short thematic description of the purpose and content of the meeting
  • A plan for how the meeting will be organised
  • A budget for the meeting, with a specific funding request to ISCAR.

ISCAR will consider requests for funds:

  • For accommodation and meeting costs
  • To provide a guarantee (to a specified maximum amount) to cover a possible shortfall in budget.

ISCAR will not provide full funding for a meeting.

Invited Regional and Thematic Sessions at ISCAR Congress

At each ISCAR Congress, the registered regional and thematic symposium sections will be invited to create a symposium. The Executive Committee will appoint organisers for each of these invited sessions. The Congress registration fee for the organiser will be paid by ISCAR. These sessions will be highlighted in the program as ISCAR invited sessions.

Executive Committee Meetings

Any Executive Committee meetings held between Congresses should include a thematic symposium. Executive Committee members who are unable to get support from their home organisation for travel and accommodation may request support from the Executive Committee.

ISCAR Congress Participation

The Congress fee for members of the ISCAR Executive Committee will be paid by ISCAR.

This Executive Order expires on 11th November 2021.


Articles of ISCAR

April, 2003
July, 2005 (revised)
September, 2005 (approved)

November, 2014 (Articles 1 and 3 revised and approved)

Novmeber, 2017 (Article 22 revised and approved)


I. Name and Place of Residence of the Association

Article 1.

The Association is named the International Society for Cultural-historical Activity Research and is domiciled in Copenhagen, Denmark, but can also have offices elsewhere.

Article 2.

The Association year and the financial year of the Association coincides with the calendar year.


II. Purpose and Means of the Association

Article 3.

The purpose and object of the Association, renamed the International Society for Cultural-historical Activity Research in 2014, is to promote and develop (a) multidisciplinary theoretical and empirical research on societal, cultural and historical dimensions of human practices, such as presented previously at the Congresses of the International Society for Cultural Research and Activity Theory and the Conference for Sociocultural Research, and (b) the interchange of information related to this research among its members and with other Associations throughout the world.

Article 4.

The Association strives to reach the goals stated in Article 3 by:

  1. organizing of conferences;
  2. promotion of mutual scientific communication and research cooperation between members;
  3. cooperation with other Associations and Institutions;
  4. publication of a newsletter in paper or/and electronic formats;
  5. publication of books;
  6. publication of one or more affiliated scientific journals.

III. The Members of the Association

Article 5.

Members of the Association are confined to those individual persons who do research in the topics stated in Article 3. The Executive Committee decides on the conditions for the admission of members. Any problems concerning an individual’s qualification for membership are resolved by the Executive Committee.

Article 6.

The procedure for admission and removal of membership is established by the Standing Orders.

Article 7.

Membership expires with:

  1. the member’s death;
  2. resignation by the member;
  3. resignation by the Association. This will take place when a member has stopped complying with the demands of membership, as described in these Articles, has not fulfilled obligations toward the Association, and when the Association can no longer be reasonably expected to continue the membership; or
  4. removal from membership. This can only take place when a member acts contrary to the Articles, Standing Orders, or decision of the Association, or damages the Association in an unreasonable manner.

Article 8.

Resignation by the Association can only be executed by the Executive Committee.

Article 9.

Resignation of membership by the member or by the Association can only take place at the end of the Association year and with a term of notice of four weeks. However, membership can be terminated at once if either Association or member can no longer be expected to let the membership continue. A resignation not according to the previous sentence makes the membership stop at the earliest permitted date following the intended date of resignation. A member is not competent, by means of resigning, to exclude himself from any financial obligation to the Association.


IV. Contributions of the Members

Article 10.

Members must pay an annual contribution, which is determined by the Executive Committee.


V. Structure and Functioning of the Association

Article 11.

The Association has a Members’ Meeting, an Executive Committee, which includes a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer; Working Groups; and Committees. Standing Orders are specifying Working Groups and Committees.

Article 12.

All members are admitted to the Members’ Meeting. Guests may be invited by the Executive Committee. Suspended members and suspended members of the Executive Committee have no right of admission. The Members’ Meeting is convened by the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee must inform the members, according to the procedures described in the Standing Orders at least one month before the meeting. The meeting’s agenda will be included in the notice.

Article 13.

Each member of the Association has one vote. A member may appoint another member as his/her representative comformably to the provisions of the Standing Orders.

Article 14.

A Members’ Meeting must be convened at each international congress organized by the Association. An extraordinary Members’ Meeting can be held if requested by 20 percent (20%) of members, from at least three different countries. Extraordinary meetings will be held according to the procedures described in the Standing Orders.

Article 15.

The following items will always appear on the agenda of the Members’ Meeting:

  1. report of the Executive Committee on the activities of the Association;
  2. financial report of the treasurer, including the independent audit;
  3. advice of the accountants on the accounts of the treasurer;
  4. budget estimate for the years up to and including the year of the next congress; and
  5. announcement of the next Members’ Meeting.

Article 16.

If not stipulated otherwise in these Articles, all decisions in the Members’ Meeting are made according to the procedures described in the Standing Orders. However, an individual member may always request a recorded valid vote.

Article 17.

The Standing Orders regulate the order of the Members’ Meeting.

VI. The Executive Committee

Article 18.

The Executive Committee will be in charge of governing the Association. The Executive Committee can submit issues for decision at the Members’ Meeting. The Executive Committee will carry out the decisions of the Members’ Meeting and will conduct the Association’s business in the periods between the Members’ Meetings.

Article 19.

The Executive Committee will be competent to enter agreements, to buy, transfer or encumber immovable property, to enter agreements in which the Association stands surety or is co-debtor, makes out a case for a third party or stands security for a third party’s debt. Third parties can appeal and can be appealed against if this approval is lacking.

Article 20.

The Executive Committee consists of members elected by the members at the Member’s meeting. The members of the Executive Committee must be as representative as possible of the nations and regions from which members come, conformably to the provisions in the Standing Orders. Procedures for the election of and term of office for Executive Committee members are regulated by the Standing Orders.

Article 21.

The criteria for membership in the Executive Committee are regulated by the Standing Orders.

Article 22.

The Executive Committee elects, from among their members, the President and Vice President, the Secretary, and the Treasurer conformably to the provisions in the Standing Orders. Each ISCAR Region appoints a Coordinator, who becomes a member of the Executive Committee, liases between the Committee and regional members, and coordinates regional activity in periods between ISCAR Congresses. The Coordinator is determined at a Regional Meeting at each ISCAR Congress, held prior to the Member’s Meeting. All Congress delegates are eligible to attend one Regional Meeting. This is normally based on their country of work (or residence for those not formally employed by a university). Delegates with multiple affiliations or residences may choose one region to belong to. Where nominations are contested, a private ballot will be conducted, chaired by a member not seeking election to the position. Candidates must be nominated by another member, or receive support of another member if they nominate themselves. Each candidate will be given opportunity to make brief comments, followed by questions from members, and concluding remarks by candidates. Ballots will be counted by the chair and an additional member not seeking election, and the result announced by the chair. In the event of the tie, consensus may be reached by alternative methods, or members of the region should ask the outgoing Executive Committee for help to organize a decision procedure. Efforts should be made to reach a decision prior to the Member’s Meeting.

Article 23.

The Association will be represented in all business matters by either:

  1. the President;
  2. the Executive Committee; or
  3. one or more members of the Executive Committee appointed by the Executive Committee on occasions conformably to the provisions in the Standing Orders.

Article 24.

The Executive Committee may, from time to time, be assisted or advised by experts from outside the Association or by other committees on affairs relating to purposes of the Association as defined in Article 3.

Article 25.

It is the duty of the President to preside at all meetings and to perform such other duties as are incident to his or her office, or as may properly be required by simple majority of the Executive Committee. In the case of the death, incapacity, resignation, removal or suspension of the President, the Vice President will be named Acting President, and have all the rights and responsibilities of the President until a new President is elected conformably to the provisions in the Standing Orders.

Article 26.

The Secretary will keep records of all Members’ Meetings and Executive Committee meetings of the Association. It shall be the responsibility of the Secretary to bring to the attention of the Executive Committee and for members of the Association such matters as deemed necessary, to conduct the official correspondence of the Association; to issue official calls and notices of meetings. In the case of the death, incapacity, resignation, removal or suspension of the Secretary, an acting Secretary will be appointed by the President. During its next meeting the Executive Committee will appoint a new Secretary from its members.

Article 27.

It will be the responsibility of the Treasurer to sign such checks or other drafts upon funds of the Association as may be necessary; to execute, seal, and deliver any contracts, deeds, instruments or other documents that shall be required on behalf of the Association by the Articles or by vote of the Association; to have custody of all other property of the Association not otherwise expressly provided for by the Articles and to hold them subject to the order and the direction of the Association; to collect dues and other debts due to the Association by any person whatsoever. The Treasurer will, within a month, exhibit the books and accounts on the request of the Executive Committee, and in general perform all such duties as may be incident to the office or as properly may be required by vote of the members of the Executive Committee at any duly constituted meetings. In the case of the death, incapacity, resignation, removal or suspension of the Treasurer, an acting Treasurer will be appointed by the President. During its next meeting the Executive Committee will appoint a new Treasurer from its members.

Article 28.

Any member of the Executive Committee can be removed from office or suspended by the Executive Committee before the end of the elected period, conformably to the provisions in the Standing Orders.

Article 29.

Meetings of the Executive Committee may be held at any time on the request of at least half of the members of the Executive Committee. A quorum at any meeting must consist of two thirds of the Executive Committee. Decisions shall be taken by a simple majority of the members of the Executive Committee present at the meeting.

Article 30.

The Executive Committee may delegate all organizational work for scientific meetings, conferences, congresses, symposia and seminars, in whole or in part (and whether that committee acts alone or in co-operation with others) to one or more ad hoc committees, (notwithstanding Article 23 hereof) duly established for such purposes.

Article 31.

The Executive Committee may, for the promotion of co-operation with other associations in the field, appoint members to represent the Association in national or international committees of contact, deliberation or co-operation and invest these members with special powers, but subject always to the provision contained in Article 23 hereof.

Article 32.

The Executive Committee may delegate its duties (either wholly or partially) to one or more committees of members, and notwithstanding Article 23 hereof. The functioning of these committees is regulated by the Standing Orders.


VII. The Finances

Article 33.

The pecuniary resources of the Association consist of:

  1. contributions of the members;
  2. contributions of supporting institutions;
  3. donations and legacies;
  4. proceeds of publications;
  5. subventions;
  6. interest; and
  7. other profits.

Article 34.

The administration of the pecuniary resources will be checked and reviewed by an independent accountant appointed by the Executive Committee, and the accounts will be reported at each Members’ Meeting.


VIII. Articles and Standing orders

Article 35.

Articles will be approved at the Members’ Meeting by at least two thirds of the recorded valid votes.

Article 36.

Modifications in these Articles may be proposed by:

  1. the Executive Committee, or
  2. a member, with the support of at least 10 percent (10%) of the members, as shown by their signature.

Article 37.

All proposals for changes in the Articles have to be communicated by the Executive Committee in writing to the members, at least one month before the Members’ Meeting.

Article 38.

Every decision to modify the Articles must be taken by at least two thirds of the recorded valid votes at a Members’ Meeting, subject to the provision that a modification will be null and void if less than 20 members vote for the modification. A modification of the Articles will not be valid until it is published on the Association’s website.

Article 39.

For the regulation of matters not determined by the Articles, and for other matters concerning the administration of the Association, the Standing Orders must be consulted.

Article 40.

The Standing Orders can not contain regulations that run contrary to these Articles.

Article 41.

The Standing Orders must be approved at the Members’ Meeting by at least two thirds of the recorded valid votes.

Article 42.

Modifications of the Standing Orders may be proposed by:

  1. the Executive Committee, or
  2. a member, with the support of at least 25 percent (25%) of the members, as shown by their signature.

Article 43.

Every decision to modify the Standing Orders must be taken by at least two thirds of the recorded valid votes at a Members’ Meeting, subject to the provision that the modification will be null and void if less than 20 of the voting members vote for the modification. A modification of the Standing Orders will not be valid until it is published on the Association’s website.

Article 44.

The Executive Committee may act in any situation that is not provided for in the Articles and Standing Orders. The Executive Committee may issue Executive Orders, as regulated in the Standing Orders.


IX. Dissolution of the Association

Article 45.

The Association may be dissolved by a decision of the Members’ Meeting.

Article 46.

Every decision to dissolve the Association must be taken by at least two thirds of the recorded valid votes, subject to the provision that the dissolution will be null and void if at least 20 members vote against the dissolution.

Article 47.

The credit balance after balancing falls to those who are members at the time of the decision to dissolve the Association. They all receive an equal share. In the decision to dissolve, however, another allocation of the credit balance can be given.



Standing Orders of ISCAR

March, 2003
July, 2005 (revised)
September, 2005 (approved)

November, 2017 (approved)


I. Name and Place of Residence of the Association

II. Purpose and Means of the Association

III. The Members of the Association

Standing orders for Article 6

Admission to membership is open to any person who supports the purpose and object of the Association, and pays the annual contribution determined through Article 10.

Persons who want to be members must communicate that fact according to the procedures published on the ISCAR website.

If the member contribution is not paid within 6 months from when a new membership is requested, then membership will be considered resigned.

Membership will be carried automatically from one Association year to the next. A member will be considered resigned if the membership contribution is not paid after the first 9 months of the Association year.

Any member can be considered for removal if a written request (including an explanation of and argument for the reasons for removal), is submitted to the President by any member of the Association. The Executive Committee must vote on this request within 30 days from its receipt by the President. The Executive Committee can solicit additional information if deemed necessary. Membership is removed if at least 75% of the Executive Committee votes for removal.

IV. Contributions of the Members

V. Structure and Functioning of the Association

Standing orders for Article 11

The Association has no working groups or committees.


Standing orders for Article 12

The Members’ Meeting must be announced in all the communication forms used regularly by the Association, including, but not limited to its website, mailing list to members, and any form of regular newsletter (where its publication schedule permits).

Standing orders for Article 13

A member may appoint another member as his/her representative to vote in a specific Members’ Meeting by providing a signed letter that (a) explains his/her absence and (b) gives explicit permission to the other member to vote on his/her behalf at the given meeting. A member can not represent more than three votes, including his/her own.

Members that bring ‘representative letters’ must present them to the Secretary before the start of the Members’ Meeting. The Secretary should be at the meeting location at least 15 minutes before the announced meeting time for this purpose. For each member with ‘representative letters’, the Secretary must record the name of member and the total number of ‘representative letters’.

Standing orders for Article 14

  1. The Members’ Meeting is open to the voluntary participation of the members attending an international congress of ISCAR.
  2. When members want to request an Extraordinary Members’ Meeting, they must send their request to the Executive Committee together with an agenda, suggestions for a meeting place, and a possible date. A list of requesting members must also be provided. This list can be made with handwritten signatures, email signatures, or a combination of both.

The Executive Committee and the petitioners must come to an agreement about the agenda, meeting place, and date, after which the Executive Committee must inform all the members of the Association about the Extraordinary meeting.

The Executive Committee will inform the rest of the members of the Association about the Extraordinary meeting, the agenda and the date.

If the Executive Committee does not respond to the initial request for an Extraordinary Members’ Meeting after 20 days, then the petitioners can inform the rest of the members about the proposed meeting, agenda, date, and place.

The Extraordinary meeting will be conducted according to the standing orders for Articles 16 and 17, with the additional possibility that the meeting can be co-lead by one representative from the members who requested the meeting.

In order for the Extraordinary meeting to be valid, at least 30% of the members of the Association and more than half of the Executive Committee must be present.

Standing orders for Article 16

There must be consensus in the decisions taken in a Members’ Meeting. If there is not consensus, then a voting process can be organized. Normally, a voting process will be public, and conducted by raising hands. A proposal can be settled by raising hands, either for, against, or abstain. The meeting leader and the meeting secretary must evaluate which alternative received the most raised hands.

If there is an explicit demand for a recorded valid vote, then arguments must be presented for why this is needed, after which a decision to hold this vote can be decided by consensus or by raised hands.

A recorded valid vote must be held by secret written ballot.

The Secretary is responsible for organizing the voting processes and for counting any written votes. The Secretary can ask the meeting to elect one or more members to help organize and/or count the written votes. The Secretary must preserve the records from a recorded valid vote.

Standing orders for Article 17

The Members’ Meeting is lead by the President of the Executive Committee, or the Vice-President in the President’s absence. If neither the President or Vice-President can be present, then the President must appoint a meeting leader from among the members of the Executive Committee. The meeting must begin with a presentation of the meeting agenda and the participants must be asked about any changes or additions they consider necessary.

Every point of the agenda must be discussed and the decisions taken according to the procedures described in the standing order for Article 16.


Standing orders for Article 20

The Executive Committee can be composed of 9-12 members. An Executive Committee election must be held in connection with the Association’s international congress.

Prior to this election, as part of the announcement of the Members’ Meeting, the Executive Committee must describe the regions for which Executive Committee members will be elected, and any criteria that must be fulfilled. The regions must include all the nations for which there are ISCAR members.

At the Members’ Meeting, persons from each region will meet together to decide, by consensus, who should be the coordinator from their region. If it is not possible to reach a consensus, then the members of the region should ask the newly-elected Executive Committee for help to organize a decision procedure.

A member may be in the Executive Committee for no more than 12 years total, and for no more than 6 years in a row. The Secretary is responsible for maintaining the Committee’s membership record.

If a member of the Executive Committee cannot complete the elected term, then this member can be replaced with another member from the same region by a procedure decided by the Executive Committee.

Standing orders for Article 21

All members are eligible to be on the Executive Committee.

Standing orders for Article 22

After an Executive Committee is elected at a Member Meeting, a constitutive meeting must be held to identify the President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer (hereafter called a ‘position’). The President of the previous Executive Committee (or a person appointed thereby) leads the meeting. The meeting leader cannot be a member of the new Executive Committee.

Members of the new Executive Committee indicate to the meeting leader, in writing, which positions, if any, they would like to fill. If there are no candidates for a position, then the meeting leader will appoint one of the Executive Committee members to hold this position until such time that the Executive Committee can elect a member. If only one person has requested a position, then this person will get this position, unless at least three members of the new Executive Committee object. This will be determined by having each member of the Executive Committee submit a written indication of accept or reject to the meeting leader. If more than one person indicates an interest to hold a position, then an attempt will be made to select one of the candidates by consensus. If the meeting leader judges that a consensus will not be reached, after a significant effort, then the position will be decided by secret ballot, where the selected candidate must have a simple majority. In the case where there are more than two candidates, and none gets a simple majority, then a new vote will be taken, excluding the candidate who had the fewest votes in the previous vote.

A member of the Executive Committee may hold any position during their tenure on the Executive Committee.

Standing orders for Article 22 (New version November 2017)

Each ISCAR Region appoints a Coordinator, who becomes a member of the Executive Committee, liases between the Committee and regional members, and coordinates regional activity in periods between ISCAR Congresses. The Coordinator is determined at a Regional Meeting at each ISCAR Congress, held prior to the Member’s Meeting. All Congress delegates are eligible to attend one Regional Meeting. This is normally based on their country of work (or residence for those not formally employed by a university). Delegates with multiple affiliations or residences may choose one region to belong to. Where nominations are contested, a private ballot will be conducted, chaired by a member not seeking election to the position. Candidates must be nominated by another member, or receive support of another member if they nominate themselves. Each candidate will be given opportunity to make brief comments, followed by questions from members, and concluding remarks by candidates. Ballots will be counted by the chair and an additional member not seeking election, and the result announced by the chair. In the event of the tie, consensus may be reached by alternative methods, or members of the region should ask the outgoing Executive Committee for help to organize a decision procedure. Efforts should be made to reach a decision prior to the Member’s Meeting.


Standing orders for Article 23

One or more Executive Committee members may be appointed, by a simple majority vote, to represent the Association for a specific business matter. The power of representation concludes with the termination of the matter, as specified by the Executive Committee.

Standing orders for Article 25

The Executive Committee appoints an ISCAR member to conduct the election process. The appointed member cannot be a member of the current Executive Committee. The appointed member should then follow, as closely as possible, the election procedure described in the standing orders for Article 22.

Standing orders for Article 28

Any member of the Executive Committee may submit a written request to the President for removal or suspension, including an explanation of and argument for the reasons. In the case of suspension, a specific proposal must be made about the length and terms of the suspension. The Executive Committee may discuss the written request, and must vote on the request within 30 days from its receipt by the President. The President must decide whether the vote within the Committee is open or secret. The proposal for removal or suspension is accepted if at least 75% of the Executive Committee vote in favor of the proposal.

The occurrence of a vote may only be communicated outside of the Committee in the case of a favorable vote; no other information may be given about the vote. The removal or suspension must be communicated to the membership through the communication forms used regularly by the Association, no later than 14 days after the suspension or removal comes into effect.

Standing orders for Article 32

The Association has no committees.

VI. The Finances

VII. Articles and Standing orders

Standing orders for Article 44

An Executive Order is a written statement about a procedure that is relevant for the Association’s functioning or administration. The Executive Committee may issue an Executive Order, provided that at least two thirds of the Executive Committee agree with its formulation. An Executive Order can not contain formulations or stipulations that run contrary to the Association’s Articles and Standing Orders. All Executive Orders must specify the date on which they take effect, and be communicated to the members through the Association’s normal communication media (e.g., newsletter, website), no later than one month after that date.

All Executive Orders expire automatically three years after the date on which they took effect. The Secretary is responsible for noting when an Executive Order expires. The Executive Committee may rescind an Executive Order at any time, provided that at least two thirds of the Executive Committee agree. When an Executive Order expires or is rescinded, it must be communicated to the members through the Association’s normal communication media (e.g., newsletter, website), no later than one month after that date.

When appropriate, the Executive Committee should try to incorporate the Executive Order into the Articles or Standing Orders.

VIII. Dissolution of the Association

ISCAR Business
