A Tribute to our Colleague and Friend, Dr. Fiodor Efimovish Vasiliuk





University of Ioannina
School of Education
Department of Early Childhood Education
Full Professor Katerina Plakitsi
University Campus 45110 Ioannina Greece
E-mail:[email protected];
Website: http://users.uoi.gr/kplakits
Tel.:+306972898463, +302651005771
Fax: +302651005842


A Tribute to  Fiodor Efimovish Vasiliuk

Katerina Plakitsi
ISCAR President

On behalf of the ISCAR Executive Committee and the ISCAR Society
A Tribute to our Colleague and Friend, Dr. Fiodor Efimovish Vasiliuk


On behalf of the ISCAR Executive Committee and the ISCAR Society, I would like to mention that in whatever role we knew Fiodor Efimovish Vasiliuk, he stood apart as someone special! His special abilities and charismatic personality were readily apparent in the ISCAR researching endeavor! It was clear that he would most likely have an outstanding career as a scholar.

Fiodor was committed to research focused on The Psychology of Experiencing (1984/1988), which constitutes the first important contribution to the field of psychodynamic theory made by a Soviet author in the last 50 years.  He was passionate about his effort to integrate Western ideas with the psychological principles developed in Vygotsky’s school. He was a transformative leader and change agent who had a highly original approach to the phenomenon of coping with critical psychological situations. He had a gift of innovative thinking, a visionary spirit, and the tenacious patience required to successfully integrate classical and more recent Western studies of the psychodynamics of the unconscious.

The central notion of Vasilyuk’s theory is that of “experiencing perezhivanie.” The Russian word perezhivanie has a spectrum of different meanings. In the context of Vasilyuk’s work it should probably be rendered as ‘‘living through” a crisis. The term experiencing denotes “a special inner activity or inner work by means of which an individual succeeds in withstanding various (usually painful) events and situations in life, succeeds in regaining the mental equilibrium which has been temporarily lost-succeeds, in short, in coping with a crisis” (p. 18). Although Vasilyuk discusses different critical situations, his most original contribution is to understanding how we endure deep, existential crises.

In addition to his devotion to his work and to the improvement of psychology locally and globally, Fiodor always found time for the young generation supporting the ISCAR Summer Universities in Moscow. It was a privilege for ISCAR Society to have shared parts of Fiodor’s life. His public recognitions reveal that his, was a distinguished career of considerable import! Energy, commitment, integrity are all words that begin to capture ISCAR’s image of Fiodor. Would that we had many more like him. But he was one of kind and will be sorely missed as a colleague, scholar and friend. ISCAR Society will be poor without Fiodor Efimovish Vasiliuk but rich with the legacy he left behind.


Katerina Plakitsi

ISCAR President

Minute: New Executive Board – ISCAR20 – Quebec

ISCAR New Executive Board– 1st Meeting – September 2017 (ISCAR20) – Quebec/Canada


Chair: Malcolm Reed


  1. Katerina Plakitsi (president)
  2. Ian Thompson (vice-president/treasurer)
  3. Nick Hopwood (editor of newsletter)
  4. Adolfo Tanzi Neto (secretary)
  5. Martijn van Schaik
  6. Carrie Lobman
  7. Viktor Zaretsky
  8. Marjolein Dobber
  9. Gabriela Naranjo (representing Lourdes de Leó)


Agenda items:

  1. Executive roles
  2. Deadlines and timeline
  3. Website/design
  4. Membership
  5. Asia Pacific clarifications and respond to email.


Item 1 – Roles

Action item 1.1: Ian Thompson was confirmed as Treasurer

Action item 1.2: Group to meet in January to discuss common issues.


Item 2 – Immediate tasks

Would be a good to get a newsletter out quickly, as a means to recruit members and convert temporary members from this congress registrants.

Can be sent to 1,892 people on the contact list. This is bigger than the membership list.

Action item 2.1: By end of September TL will send a post-Congress newsletter to the contact list. We will add a note from the Exec Committee to introduce ourselves and encourage people to become members. Take a cue from Cole: ISCAR is needed more than ever – range of pressures on universities, members.

Action item 2.2: Put this up on the website and in time adapt it into an open question on the site to invite two-way interaction and interest.

Action item 2.3: A series of contacts out to members/contacts between now and the end of the year. We could share keynotes’ powerpoints, links to papers.

Action item 2.4: Each regional coordinator to get access to the list of contacts and members from their respective region.

Action item 2.5: All regions to have at a basic homepage (introductions, contact) on the website by the end of the year. There was a discussion that it is important not to bury the content in layers of the web page. Maybe better than regional coordinator facilitates region members’ presence in the main website.

Action item 2.6: We need to ratify the existing Executive Orders and Articles by end of October. Carrie and Ian will do the first read of them. Two areas identified for focus:

  1. Description of process of regional coordinator nomination
  2. An addition that every Congress claims 1-year membership of all participants, as was implemented for Congress 2017.


Item 3 – Website

The Executive determined that we want to use the website not just to disseminate but to generate interest and support interaction. There is the WordPress – for sending out information, interacting. There is an integrated system (CRM), which has the database. Option to incorporate plugin called Milchin (way to make a newsletter). Region coordinators can edit member information from their region.

The Executive considered the request from John Cripps Clark for a region-restricted interactive space within ISCAR.org. The value of centralising web activity given there is not currently high interactivity in any part of the website was noted. Also, the value of pages or content in region-specific languages. The Executive was counselled to be careful in not over-committing and taking on work that could and should be taken on by members, and to ensure in coming months we focus on immediate priorities.

Action item 3.1: Secretary and Newsletter roles to meet outgoing Secretary to discuss most immediate and medium-term possibilities for the website.

Action item 3.2: Updating Executive Committee details on the website.

Action item 3.3: Updating the expiring date and making any agreed changes to Executive Orders and Articles.

Action item 3.4: Secretary to provide an overview of the website by end of September, to be followed by Skype meeting in October.

Action item 3.5: Asia-Pacific Coordinator to respond that the Committee decided to focus on trying to enhance the interactivity of the central website and for the time being to offer simple ways to foster interaction within regions. In Asia-Pacific, a listserv will be set up. Regional members are welcome to set up google docs or shared drive spaces using invite lists provided by Coordinators.


Item 4:  Membership

It was clarified that every participant, presenter or not, is a paid-up member of ISCAR until the end of 2017.

The importance of renewal messages and reminders being sent to members was discussed. There is an auto-renew option, but there are complexities to do with payments (eg. Brazilian cards do not allow recurrent payments; ISCAR may need to change to a business PayPal account etc.). Outgoing Secretary explained the possibility of paying a non-profit service to facilitate this. We need to emphasise that 3-year membership is less than 3x 1-year, and only with a 3-year unbroken membership that you get a discount on the Congress. We discussed potential pools from which we might recruit members. Carrie mentioned AERA – SIG and others who work in related theories.

Action item 4.1: Treasurer and Secretary to work on payment procedures

Action item 4.2: Membership benefits to be emphasised in emails and newsletters

Action item 4.3: Pools for membership recruitment to be discussed at the meeting once Orders and Articles are changed.

Action item 4.4: Working group to be formed to deal with membership issues, and whole Exec meeting to discuss this in November.

Action item 4.5: Executive to explain at closing about Congress related membership.

Action item 4.6: Executive to explore options to tie membership to journal access and to look at minutes from the previous Executive for what has been discussed already.


Item 5:  Asia Pacific issues

It was confirmed that all people in the regional meetings were ISCAR members by virtue of being participants in the conference.

A regional list of countries represented at the time the countries from which there were members. The meaning of the list is not to be taken as a basis for eligibility to vote. Eligibility to vote relates to ISCAR membership and provenance from countries within the broader region indicated.

We discussed the Article relating to co-opting ISCAR members. That does not make people an Executive member, they are an advisor to the Executive and this is for a defined task and for a defined period of time.

It was discussed that ISCAR is not set up to function as a top-down organisation in terms of imposing procedures. We cannot assert a downward normative process within the existing framework.

Action item 5.1: Executive needs to review how to name the regions to avoid absence.

Action item 5.2: Executive to consider relevant co-opting to address needs as they arise in future.

Action item 5.3: Coordinator to explain to regional members to explain that we are aware that there is a need for clarifying procedures by offering guidelines and have an explicit plan to address this when we ratify and amend Executive Orders and Articles.


Table of deadlines and actions:

ISCAR 2017-2020

Deadline Action Responsible Status
September/2017 4.5: Executive to explain at closing about Congress related membership


Malcolm Done/ISCAR17
September/2017 3.1 Secretary and Newsletter roles to meet outgoing Secretary to discuss most immediate and medium-term possibilities for website Nick/Adolfo Done
September/2017 3.2 Updating Executive Committee details on website Adolfo Done
September/2017 2.1/2.2 Send a post-Congress newsletter to the contact list. Nick/Adolfo
October/2017 2.6 ratify the existing Executive Orders and Articles by end of October/ 3.3 Updating the expiring date and making any agreed changes to Executive Orders and Articles/ 4.3. Pools for membership recruitment to be discussed at meeting once Orders and Articles are changed.



Ian/Carrie – First Draft


October/2017 3.4 provide an overview of the website by end of September, to be followed by Skype meeting in October Adolfo
October/2017 SKYPE/ZOOM General meeting Everyone
November/2017 4.4 Working group to be formed to deal with membership issues, and whole Exec meeting to discuss
December/2017 2.5 All regions to have at a basic homepage (introductions, contact) in the website Adolfo
January/2018 SKYPE/ZOOM General meeting Everyone
No date decided 2.3 Share keynotes’ powerpoints, links to papers
No date decided 2.4 Each regional coordinator to get access to the list of contacts and members from their respective region Nick/Adolfo
No date decided 3.5: Asia-Pacific Coordinator to respond that the Committee decided to focus on trying to enhance the interactivity of the central website and for the time being to offer simple ways to foster interaction within regions. In Asia-Pacific, a listserv will be set up. Regional members are welcome to set up google docs or shared drive spaces using invite lists provided by Coordinators Nick
No date decided 4.1 Treasurer and Secretary to work on payment procedures


Na date decided 4.2: Membership benefits to be emphasised in emails and newsletters Adolfo/Nick


No date decided 4.6 Executive to explore options to tie membership to journal access and to look at minutes from the previous Executive for what has been discussed already.

