Welcome by the webmaster

Welcome to the brand new ISCAR website! We have chosen WordPress as the content management system, because it is open source, has a large user and support community, many of you might be familiar with it and has the functions we need now (and maybe in the future). Features of WordPress are, among many more:

  • easy editing posts and pages;
  • easy acces (in several levels) for authors/editors;
  • integration with social media;
  • integration with member database;
  • integration with newsletter mailings.

The new website has been set up, as you can see, but is far from finished, if ever. We have moved the most important information and set up the basic structure. What we need now is a webteam to further develop and ‘fill’ the website. If you are interested to help, please send an email to webmaster[at]iscar.org. WordPress knowledge is not a prerequisite. In the future regional or thematic sections can have their own subsite. Local organizers/section coordinators who like to try this can also sent an email.
We hope you all like the new look and possibilities of the website, have a look around! Suggestions or comments can also be send to webmaster[at]iscar.org.