Future events in Scandinavia

The next Nordic Conference will be in Trondheim, Norway (18-20 June 2019). The regional ISCAR webpage will be updated with details when they are announced. The theme is Research and practices within and around boundaries, and the conference is arranged by the national activity theory group led by ISCAR Executive member May Britt Postholm.

ISCAR members may also be interested to attend the second UArctic Congress (3-7 September 2018), which is being held by the University of Oulu and University of Helsinki.

Visit of the Vygotskij Library in ‘s-Hertogenbosch

On Monday 26th November 2015, Martijn van Schaik (ISCAR secretary) took Malcolm Reed (ISCAR president) to meet Chiel van der Veen at the A Vygotskij library (part of the Vygotskij Foundation; www.vygotskijfoundation.nl) that has been set up in the Netherlands in the city of ‘s-Hertogenbosch on the premises of the Activiteit, national center for Developmental Education. Continue reading Visit of the Vygotskij Library in ‘s-Hertogenbosch

Presentation JOURNAL Papeles de Trabajo sobre Cultura , Educación y Desarrollo Humano / Working Papers on Culture, Education, and Human Development

[I am posting this on behalf of MOISES ESTEBAN-GUITART. Please follow the link below to the journal and support it if you are interested. Malcolm Reed]

Dear members of the scientific committee of the Journal Papeles de Trabajo
sobre Cultura, Educación y Desarrollo Humano / Working Papers on Culture,
Education, and Human Development,

On behalf of the editorial board, I would like to thank you for your
support and acceptance to join the scientific committee of the Journal.
Your acceptance will certainly add value to the Journal and this will make
possible to visualize an international community which has certain
convergences around human behavior which were largely reduced during the
20th century both to the behaviorist “black box” and to the cognitivist
“mechanism”. Aristotle said that “Being can be said in many ways” and
elusive and complex concepts such as “culture” can also be conceptualized
in many different ways: social institutions, cultural artifacts,
lifestyles or sociocultural practices. In any case, I suspect that all of
us share a special feeling for the critical role that both culture and
education have for the development of higher psychological processes and
ultimately for the human mind and behavior.

Secondly, I would like to acknowledge and thank the work done by David
Poveda, founder of the journal, and also to the editorial team of the
“Universidad Autónoma de Madrid”. David has now taken the role of editor
of the Journal “Linguistics and Education” and it is my honor and pleasure
to inherit the editorial responsibility of the Journal that David began 10
years ago, in 2005, and which was edited, with the help of his team, in an
exceptional way and with great success. I would like to congratulate and
thank David and wish him good luck in his new publishing challenges.

Attached below you will find the link to the new website where you will be
able to see your names as part of the scientific committee as well as the
accepted papers, instructions for authors and reviewers and others:


The Journal has now opened a call for articles to be reviewed in any of
the three modalities previewed. The articles to be reviewed can be sent in
both Spanish and English to the following address: [email protected]

Do not hesitate to send an article, if you consider it appropriate, as
well as to facilitate information to colleagues and friends so they can
send their work. The Journal, as you will see, is oriented towards
conceptualization work, empirical analysis (preferably qualitative
studies) and social and educational intervention from a sociocultural
perspective. In this sense, the Journal sympathizes with other existing
journals such as “Culture & Psychology”, “Mind, Culture and Activity”,
“Learning, Culture and Social Interaction” or “Human Development”, of
which some of you are also editors. The particularity of Working Papers is
that it is one of the few journals that accept articles in Spanish from a
Vygotskian perspective emphasizing the relationship between human
development, culture and education.

We hope to be able to contribute towards reflection and putting into
action a way of understanding human condition in which we are the result
of participation in educational practice ( both in schools and beyond
them) in which we appropriate of the artifacts which orient, extend and
motivate higher psychological processes such as verbal thought, identity
or intentional memory. Proactive processes and mechanisms that mark the
psychological development of people as well as the particular relationship
among them and the ecological niches where human activity is located,
distributed and exists.

I just want to thank you again for your willingness and generosity.

Best regards,

Editorial board of “Papeles de Trabajo sobre Cultura, Educación y
Desarrollo Humano / Working Papers on Culture, Education, and Human

Updating the system

All of August we are updating our administrative system. During that time mailing lists, membership forms and payment forms will probably not function. Check back here in September to (re) activate memberhip and for the information on how to use the (new) mailinglists.

Welcome by the webmaster

Welcome to the brand new ISCAR website! We have chosen WordPress as the content management system, because it is open source, has a large user and support community, many of you might be familiar with it and has the functions we need now (and maybe in the future). Features of WordPress are, among many more:

  • easy editing posts and pages;
  • easy acces (in several levels) for authors/editors;
  • integration with social media;
  • integration with member database;
  • integration with newsletter mailings.

The new website has been set up, as you can see, but is far from finished, if ever. We have moved the most important information and set up the basic structure. What we need now is a webteam to further develop and ‘fill’ the website. If you are interested to help, please send an email to webmaster[at]iscar.org. WordPress knowledge is not a prerequisite. In the future regional or thematic sections can have their own subsite. Local organizers/section coordinators who like to try this can also sent an email.
We hope you all like the new look and possibilities of the website, have a look around! Suggestions or comments can also be send to webmaster[at]iscar.org.

Connect with Academia.edu


What is Academia?

From the platforms website:

Academia.edu is a platform for academics to share research papers. The company’s mission is to accelerate the world’s research.

Academics use Academia.edu to share their research, monitor deep analytics around the impact of their research, and track the research of academics they follow. 21,038,187 academics have signed up to Academia.edu, adding 5,676,474 papers and 1,537,346 research interests. Academia.edu attracts over 36 million unique visitors a month.

Some of the CH(A)T academics are on Academia. Finding related academics you can follow for example the ‘research interests’: Cultural Historical Activity Theory; Activity Theory; Vygotsky; Cultural-historical theory. Also you can search for people.

Next ISCAR congress 2017

The next ISCAR Congress in 2017 will be in Quebec City, Quebec, Canada.

The theme of the 2017 congress is Taking a 360° view of the landscape of cultural-historical activity research: The state of our scholarship in practice.

Here is the website.

Quebec City is a beautiful location we are grateful to the collaboartion between Lavalle University and Quebec City for their thorough and well-presented bid to host the 5th ISCAR Congress.