Cultural Historical Activity Research Symposium, 2-3 December, 2016, Melbourne, Australia: second call for papers

Cultural Historical Activity Research Symposium

Second call for papers

Transforming your research into publication, presentation, grants and collaboration.

2nd & 3rd December, 2016

Australasian – ISCAR – AARE – IRECE

Venue: Australian Catholic University.

Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) Sociocultural Activity Theory Special Interest Group (SIG) conveners in collaboration with the International Society of Cultural-historical Activity Research (ISCAR) Australia-Asia region International Research in Early Childhood Education (IRECE) Conference invite you to submit a 200 word abstract to either [email protected] or [email protected] . Your abstract may be the same as the AARE abstract or IRECE abstract for working up into a paper for ISCAR Congress (Quebec 2017), publication or grant proposal.

Friday December 2nd – Saturday December 3rd,, 2016, immediately following the AARE conference in Melbourne. Venue: Australian Catholic University, Modular Buildings, 81-89 Victoria Pde., Melbourne: Building 15 (see linked map)

This FREE event is funded by AARE for the Sociocultural and Activity Theory SIG to support growth in research practices for ERC and mid-career researchers and HDR students.

Program Overview:

The ISCAR/AARE/IRECE Symposium brings experienced researchers, research students and early career researchers together for targeted presentations and workshops to develop our presentations and symposium proposals for ISCAR 2017 Congress in Canada, journal articles and book chapters and to build research alliances between Sociocultural and Activity Researchers.

Submissions of individual papers/symposium for ISCAR 2017 Congress created and developed during this event will obtain a special extension of the submission deadline.

Manuscript workshops

Participants will work in themed working groups and develop their own manuscripts for presentation at conferences and publication and receive feedback during the symposium.


Keynotes will be geared to supporting theoretical and practical aspects of presenting and publishing your work: how and where to publish for Sociocultural and Activity Researchers, and ECRs in particular, including a themed book series with Springer and reaching International Cultural and Activity Research audiences.


Day Session 1 (9am-10am) Session 2 (10am-12) Session 3 (1pm-2pm) Session 4 (2pm-4pm)

December 02



Keynote 1:

Prof Marilyn Fleer

Exploring cultural-historical theoretical approaches to early childhood education and research

Workshops: Roundtable presentations by participants


Panel 1: Presenting and publishing: practical tips in writing an abstract to the conference. Workshops:

Writing conference presentations: think tank

Saturday, December 03 Keynote 2:

Prof Alex Kostogriz

The implications of CHAT for research into teacher education and teachers’ work.


Round-table presentations: feedback to participants

Panel 2:

(Peter Renshaw (TBC) /Nikolai Veresov

Presenting and publishing: writing a paper


writing paper retreat



This symposium provides opportunities for collaboration in research and project development and for early career and experienced researchers, and researcher from different disciplines to work together. To enhance collaboration and development, participant numbers will be capped at 25. Submissions are being sought for:

  • Short research paper presentations (10 minutes) which will be subsequently developed in workshops. Publish in the AARE journal, IRECE
  • Workshop papers and symposium ideas for submission to ISCAR (5th International Congress August 28th – September 1st 2017) immediately following this event. (Special agreed extension deadline for ISCAR – 2017 Congress)
  • Ideas for new collaborations and research projects and workshops which can be incorporated into the program.


Catering for registration by 10th November. Note there is no cost related to registration (Registration catering purposes only). Registration to Jenny Martin [email protected]

Cultural-Historical, Activity and Sociocultural Research at Times of the Contemporary Crisis

The international conference “Cultural-Historical, Activity and Sociocultural Research at Times of  the Contemporary Crisis: Implications for Education and Human Development”  will be held on 18 and 19 June  2016 at the University’s Gallos Campus in Rethymno. The conference is organised by the Section of South/ Central Europe and Middle East of International Society for Cultural-Historical and Activity Research (ISCAR), the Department of Psychology and the Department of Preschool Education of the University of Crete, and the Department of Preschool Education of the University of Ioannina.

The preconference interdisciplinary-artistic symposium “The Human Body and Lived Experience at Times of the Contemporary Crisis through the Prism of Science and Art” will be held on 16 and 17 June 2016 at the Cultural Centre of the Municipality of Rethymno in the old town of Rethymno.

The international conference program and book of abstracts can be found in the following website:
More informations about the international conference and pre-Conference Interdisciplinary-Artistic Symposium you can find in the following website:


7th Nordic Conference on Cultural and Activity Research

A Nordic Perspective on the Cultural and the Activity Approach in Theory and Practice

The Nordic countries have a strong theoretical and practice tradition of cultural-historical approaches to investigating and/or intervening human practices and everyday life. These include early childhood learning and play, children’s school life and education, youth life, as well as work life and organization of processes.

The 7th Nordic conference, June 16-18 2016,  provides a cross-disciplinary forum for exchanging ideas, exploring common interests, addressing various theoretical, practice-related, and societal issues, as well as for establishing new possibilities for collaboration among researchers and practitioners who share an interest in cultural-historical approaches.

Visit the conference website for more info

Read more for the call Continue reading 7th Nordic Conference on Cultural and Activity Research

Brazil Colloquium

International Colloquium in the Cultural-Historical Field will be held in Brazil (November, 2018, dates to be confirmed). The focus is on educational dialogues, bringing together research groups across the region. Program foci will include psychology and human development, design and education, and science education. Email Adolfo Tanzi Neto for further information.


[email protected]

Australasian ISCAR/AARE Symposium, December, 2016

Call for papers

Call for proposals

Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) Sociocultural Activity Theory Special Interest Group (SIG) conveners  in collaboration with the International Society of Cultural-historical Activity Research (ISCAR) Australia-Asia region invite you to submit a 200 word abstract to:

Australasian ISCAR/AARE SAT Symposium

Friday December 2nd – Saturday December 3rd , 2016, immediately following the AARE conference in Melbourne. Venue: Friday – Deakin University Melbourne Corporate Centre; Saturday – TBA . Cost $100, free for AARE SIG members.

Program Overview

The AARE/ ISCAR Symposium brings experienced researchers, research students and early career researchers together for targeted presentations and workshops to develop our presentations and symposium proposals, journal articles and book chapters and to build research alliances between Sociocultural and Activity Researchers.

Manuscript workshops

Participants will work in themed working groups and develop their own manuscripts for presentation at conferences and publication and receive feedback during the symposium.


Keynotes will be geared to supporting theoretical and practical aspects of presenting and publishing your work: how and where to publish for Sociocultural and Activity Researchers, and ECRs in particular, including a themed book series with Springer and reaching International Cultural and Activity Research audiences.

Day Session 1 (9am-10am) Session 2 (10am-12) Session 3 (1pm-2pm) Session 4 (2pm-4pm)

December 02

Keynote 1: Exploring theoretical approaches Workshops: Roundtable presentations by participants Panel 1: Presenting and publishing: practical tips Workshops: Writing conference presentations: think tank
Saturday, December 03 Keynote 3: Exploring theoretical approaches Workshops: Round-table presentations: feedback to participants Panel 2: Presenting and publishing: writing a paper Workshops: Round-table presentations: feedback and writing retreat


This symposium provides opportunities for collaboration in research and project development and for early career and experienced researchers, and researcher from different disciplines to work together. To enhance collaboration and development, participant numbers will be capped at 25. Submissions are being sought for:

  • Short research paper presentations (10 minutes) which will be subsequently developed in workshops
  • Ideas for new collaborations and research projects and workshops which can be incorporated into the program.
  • Deadlines

    • Submit your 200 word abstract to [email protected] by 1st September, 2016.
    • Notification of acceptance 1st October, 2016
    • Registration by 10th November.

Deadline approaching for 7th Nordic conference

Deadline for the submission for the next Nordic Conference is approaching.

The submission deadline is January 15th 2016

(Registration deadline: May 25th 2016)

The 7th Nordic conference, June 16-18 2016,  provides a cross-disciplinary forum for exchanging ideas, exploring common interests, addressing various theoretical, practice-related, and societal issues, as well as for establishing new possibilities for collaboration among researchers and practitioners who share an interest in cultural-historical approaches.

Visit the conference website for more info

Read here for the call





The EDiTE project offers 15 full-time researcher positions in the field of Teacher Education at five universities (host universities) for well-motivated and excellent early stage researchers from Europe and other countries (under the condition that the funding authority approves the funding of all 15 ESR positions). The positions are financed from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie-Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement number 676452.

Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) are invited to apply to pursue individual research projects at one of the five partner universities (Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary; University of Innsbruck, Austria; University of Lisbon, Portugal; University of Lower Silesia, Wroclaw, Poland and Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic) in the framework of the joint EDiTE research program as employed researchers. They will also be enrolled in the EDiTE PhD programme at host universities. The overall term of employment is 36 months, which should be concluded by a successful research project with the awarding of the PhD title by the host institution and a joint EDiTE diploma by the EDiTE university consortium.

For information on how to apply, please visit

[Sent by Beata Zamorska via xmca]

South Europe ISCAR

This will be 19-24 March 2019 in Ioannina, Greece. Jointly hosted by the University of Ioannina Department of Early Childhood Education, and the University of Crete Department of Psychology.

Abstracts are due on 30th September 2018. There will be a dedicated PhD day. See the conference website for more information, including about the conference’s dedicated thematic axes.