Outgoing Executive committee meeting minutes

Minutes ISCAR EXECUTIVE 2014 – 2017

Monday 28 August 2017

17:00 18:30

BUSINESS MEETING AGENDA Outgoing Executive Committee

Welcome and open meeting

  1. Present/apologies

    Not present: Aminu

    Meeting with incomming exec thursday lunchtime, 12 – 1.30, Take a table, including people from Natal for next congress.

  2. Adoption of the Agenda (All) Yes.

  3. Minutes from previous meeting

    * Open is still, (will also be in the secretarial report 2017):

>Contact editors of journals to ask what they need (technically) for the r educed fee

From the expert advice the questions to the publishers/editors should be:

    • How do you want to have the information on who is an ISCAR member? E.g.. via een monthly CSV file; via an http request; manualy; via a SOAP request?
    • How do you work with user accounts, since the user accounts on your website should be matched to the membership in CIVICRM system of ISCAR
    • Where can we find the technical information on connecting the system, once the info is available?

Contact: books, springer and journals: MCA, Ethos, LCS, C-H P

> not all budget is used for helping with setting up website, memberships system, payment system, the remaining budget can be used for developing the weebsite infrastructure.

>> Discussion: budget might be needed for maintainance of the website.

  1. Secretarys Report (MartijnISCAR_secretarialReports17 

    See report, also to be used for future reference for the secretary in combination to the manual for current tasks.

    >> This raises questions on what kind of association ISCAR wants to be. Also in relation to ISCARS financial status and stability.

    >> Here are regional differences. e.g Brasilians want to be member national ISCAR (which is not there.

    >> Regional differences in activity, involvement, memberbase; this could be rethought.

    You can organise on issues and/or regions or countries depending on strongness of region/issues

  2. Financial Report (Thérèse)

    78.000 euros in the bank.

    This year about 12.000 euro’s is coming in, by contribution and congress fee.

    This is less than expected, from the congress.

    If membership pays for loss in congresses, we have to rethink our model.

    Congress hopefully breaks even. 100 accepted participants (form 450) did not register and only 5 form 8 scholarships are paid (3 did not come). People are asking for reimbursement, what will we do. Even cancelling the last minute (after July).

    People who missed the date and aksed for reimbursement after the date, will not be reimbursed. In very special cases we can consider reimbursement, when evidence is provided. Decisions will be made after the congress by the exec committee.

  3. Decide next venue for ISCAR Congress 2017 (All)

    It is Brasil, in Natal.

    Timing of congress should be reconsidered, since end of august in Quebec rendered less attendees.

    Sponsorship should be considered and hard financial dicisions will have to be made (see 5).

  4. Potential changes to Executive Orders (i.e. taking one year subscription from non-members at ISCAR2020); advisory only for new executive to action.

    Also see 5 and 11.

  5. Newsletter needs to be discussed how to go forward. (Aminu)

  6. Section Report (Mariane)

    Two sections: CHACDOC and STEM.

    It is important to have more sections, since ISCAR’s future can be content.

    New section neuroscience section is being set up by a group of Natal, helped by Nikolay. This could be a message to others who want to join ISCAR.

  7. Regional coordinatorsreports

    AU: second regional meeting in cooperation, 6 countries. Will be every two years

    RUS: Much work has been done, among Summer University in Moscow. ISCAR is popular, by young. Now we have a large delegation in congress, although late actions from attendees.

    GENLAUT: maybe a bid in 23

    NorthAM: getting closer to ISLS and SIG AERA.

    Nordic: strong and active

    South/MiddelAMCAR: not very active.

    Mediterenean : good regional meeting, with theme., 100 presentation, from 16 countries.

    Brasil: Regional meeting, 72 participants, 21 research groups.

  8. Anticipation of new executive members and possible positions (All)

    André and Manolis are resigning too.

    Mentioning in regional meeting that there will be new responsibilities in the new exec. So read the exec.orders in order to decide what role new members will want.

    Given the large change in exec. It appropriate that the outgoing secr., treasurer and president extend the transitionperiod (treasurer one semester). This should be in new exec orders.

  9. Membersmeeting: key issues

  1. report of the Executive Committee on the activities of the Association

  2. financial report of the treasurer with budget estimate for the years up to and including the year of the next congress

  3. introduction of new executive committee and key positions

  4. announcement of next venue for ISCAR2020

  5. announcement of the next Members’ Meeting

  1. Any other business (All)

Close of meeting

Agenda for general members meeting during congress


Thursday 31st August 2017



Welcome and open meeting (Malcolm)

1 Report of the Executive Committee on the activities of the Association (Malcolm & Martijn)

2 Financial report (Therese)

  • current financial situation up to but not including Congress

  • projection of possible Congress costs and effect on ISCAR finances

  • estimated budgets for the years up to and including the year of the next congress

3 Announcement of venue for next ISCAR Congress 2020 (Malcolm)

4 Announcement and introduction of new executive committee for 2017-2020 term (Malcolm)

5 Open space for members

6 Next Members’ Meeting (Malcolm)

Close of meeting

Call for manuscripts for Journal of Homosexuality

The Journal of Homosexuality seeks article-length manuscripts for an upcoming special issue on LGBTQ Muslim Experiences to be published in late 2018.

Research exploring how LGBTQ individuals develop religious and sexual identities has gained momentum in the past decade – although this work has largely focused on Judeo-Christian religions and little is known about the LGBTQ Muslim experience. However, the experiences of individuals who identify as both Islamic religious and sexual minorities deserve further attention in light of the current political climate in the United States and their increased exposure to minority stress. These changes raise questions of how LGBTQ individuals from Muslim backgrounds address questions and conflicts related to identity, community, religion and spirituality, family and health.

This special issue, therefore, seeks articles that examine contemporary sexual and gender minority experiences within Islam from both theoretical and empirical perspectives (i.e., both quantitative and qualitative), welcoming both interdisciplinary as well as multidisciplinary submissions.
Continue reading Call for manuscripts for Journal of Homosexuality


The Fifth International Luria Memorial Congress.

The congress will be held on 13-16 October 2017 in Yekaterinburg, capital of Ural.

The congress will include plenary and thematic sessions (oral and poster presentations), round table discussions and evening lectures of the leading specialists in psychology and neuroscience from Russia and other countries. A competition will be organized between the papers of students, postgraduate students (Ph.D. fellows) and young researchers (under 33 years old). Continue reading LURIAN APPROACH IN INTERNATIONAL PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCE

Piaget Society’s conference on technologies and human interaction

The Piaget Society is sponsoring an innovative conference on Technologies and Human Development.  The conference is being organized by Colette Dauite of CUNY and Carol D. Lee, Ph.D.

The deadline for submitting proposals is December 15th, 2016.  Hope you can help circulate.

We have a stellar group of invited keynotes:

Michael Cole (University of California, San Diego) & Roy Pea (Stanford University) The living hand of the past:
Re-covering the role of technology in human development
Kris Guitierrez (University of California, Berkeley) Las Redes and El Pueblo Mágico: Access equality in trans-pedagogical spaces
Isabela Granic (Radboud University, Nijmegen) Video games that promote emotional resilience in children and youth
Nichole Pinkard (DePaul University, Chicago) The digital youth network: Partnerships for adolescent and community development across time and space
PDF of the call
Read more for the focus of the conference

Continue reading Piaget Society’s conference on technologies and human interaction

Scholarships for Fifth ISCAR Congress Quebec City, Canada 2017

We are pleased to announce that we intend to award up to 4 scholarships to assist doctoral researchers, early career academics and non- or low-salaried researchers to attend ISCAR 2017. Scholarships are offered to support attendance at Congress but will not support subsistence expenses.
Please note that scholarships will only be available to people who are not able to secure funding* from their university or workplace and who have a paper, symposium, round table, or PhD conference presentation acceptable to the conference organisers.  Continue reading Scholarships for Fifth ISCAR Congress Quebec City, Canada 2017

Videos from the scientific meeting in Quebec april 2016

In addition to the exec meeting in Quebec in April 2016 there was a scientific meeting. Below the video’s of the presentations.

First Malcolm Reed

Next Martijn van Schaik

Thérèse Laferriere

More will follow.

4th Associations Round Table on Wednesday 28 and Thursday 29 September in Busan, Korea.

The UIA cordially invites you to send representatives to its 4th Associations Round Table on Wednesday 28 and Thursday 29 September in Busan, Korea.

The UIA Round Table is an opportunity to learn through networking and through practice, to meet other international associations and share experience and knowledge to help you run your organization better. Read more here .
Continue reading 4th Associations Round Table on Wednesday 28 and Thursday 29 September in Busan, Korea.