Call for proposals from the Cultural-Historical Research SIG, AERA 2018 in New York

Over the last year, we have witnessed a dramatic spike in authoritarian discourses, experienced the continuous degradation of public institutions, and seen a steady rise in vitriol against non-dominant populations across the globe. The institutionalization of anti-intellectual ideologies has many wondering about the impact on learning and educational outcomes. Scholars working from a sociocultural and critical perspective are wondering: does Vygotsky still matter? Or better yet, how does he matter? Over the last four decades, Vygotsky’s theories (and that of his colleagues) have become some of the most utilized frameworks for innovations in education in formal and informal settings. In that time, Vygotsky’s original work has given birth to a wide range of theories and practices, including Socio-Cultural, Cultural-Historical, Activity, and related critical and post-modern approaches, all of which are represented by the Cultural-Historical Research SIG.

The CHR SIG of AERA is therefore calling for proposals for the 2018 Annual Meeting that represent the breadth and relevance of Vygotskian, Socio-Cultural, Activity and related theory, research and practice for education in the 21st century. We are particularly seeking proposals that represent:

·      The diversity of approaches that fall under the umbrella of CHR, including, socio-cultural, Marxist, activity, and arts-based and postmodern approaches.

·      The role of language and linguistics in Vygotskian inspired theories of learning and development.

·      The relevance of Vygotsky for innovations in education that offer creative responses to the ongoing education “crisis” in the US and around the world

·      The range of methodologies that utilize CH approaches, including mixed methods, action research, arts based research, and performance studies.

·      The diversity of fields and settings in which CH theory is used and to which it is applicable (i.e. early childhood, outside of school, STEM learning, literacy, adult learning, ELL).

·      Proposals that explore the past, present and future of CH approaches.

·      Proposals that address the intersections of CH theories with critical theories that include, for example, focus on relations of power, activities that create the “Other,” and sources of oppression.

End of free membership and sponsorship for ISCAR 2017

We have tried to support as many students and early career people as we can with free membership or sponsorship for ISCAR 2017 in Quebec City, and we have also extended a reduced rate for people with proposals accepted from a list of countries with lower incomes. We now need to close the offer of free membership for 2017. The new Executive Committee of ISCAR, which will be elected during the Quebec Congress, will come into office through 2017 to 2020, and it will decide what financial support it will offer in the future.

Call for Abstracts – Special Issue on “Karl Marx and the Language Sciences: critical encounters”

Call for Abstracts

Special Issue on

“Karl Marx and the Language Sciences: critical encounters”

To be published in Language Sciences, May 2018


We announce an initial Call for Abstracts for a 2018 Special Issue of Language Sciences on “Karl Marx and the Language Sciences: critical encounters.”

Special Issue guest editor: Peter E Jones (Sheffield Hallam University).

Karl Marx (1818-1883) is one of the most influential philosophers and political thinkers of the past two centuries. His political writings have decisively shaped the modern world, contributing to the development of working class organization and inspiring and informing socialist, communist and national liberation movements internationally. At the same time, Marx’s revolutionary philosophical and scientific work has had an incalculable impact on intellectual culture and, for many, retains its relevance for the understanding and progressive transformation of social life.

This Special Issue sets out to critically examine the inter-relations between Marx’s thinking and contemporary research in language (including the philosophy of language) and communication. Individual papers may aim to survey broad currents or trends of thought in the language sciences from this perspective or to focus more narrowly on particular topics or the work of particular scholars. However, all papers should set out to demonstrate how such a critical engagement with Marx can be productive in contributing to both our understanding of Marx and Marxist theory and to research in the language sciences.

Accordingly, we welcome papers which address the following topics:

  1. the relevance of Marx to the language sciences today;
  2. the historical influence of Marx’s thinking on developments in the language sciences and allied disciplines (e.g., psychology);
  3. Marx’s own views on language and communication and the role of these views in the development of his thinking and on subsequent Marxist theorising;
  4. the Influence on Marx’s own thinking of contemporary perspectives on language and communication;
  5. the relationship of Marx’s work to one or more present day traditions and approaches in language and communication research (e.g., Critical Discourse Analysis, Dialogism, Ethnomethodology, etc.);
  6. critical examination of the linguistic and communicational ideas of particular scholars or collectives who self-identify as Marxist or are commonly associated with Marxist tradition (e,g, Vygotsky, Voloshinov, the Bakhtin circle, Gramsci, etc.);
  7. critical re-examination of Marx’s key theoretical concepts from a present day language sciences perspective (e.g, value, commodity fetishism, class struggle, alienation, ).


Word limit for abstracts: 150-200 words.


PLEASE NOTE: At this initial stage we are inviting ABSTRACTS ONLY. Abstracts will be reviewed by Editor and Guest Editor. Selected contributors will then be invited to submit a full article for review.


Important dates:

Deadline for abstract submission: 1st May 2017

Decision on invitation for full article submission: 1st June 2017

Deadline for first draft of articles: 1st December 2017

Deadline for final version of articles: 15th March 2018

Publication date: 5 May 2018


Article abstracts should be sent to Peter E Jones: [email protected]

Shooting in Québec City mosque: Sunday 29 January 2017

On behalf of the International Society for Cultural-historical and Activity Research (ISCAR), we deplore the violence committed against people at prayer in their holy place, the mosque in Québec City. This isolated action, by a lone student with far-right affiliation, is murderous, terroristic and insupportable. Among the six innocent people who have been killed is a professor from the student’s own university. ISCAR extends its sorrow to the people and families affected and to our friends, colleagues and students at Université Laval. We wish to stand in solidarity with the Muslim community of Québec City and alongside all citizens of every nation and religion in condemning this atrocity.

Malcolm Reed, President of ISCAR

7th ISCAR Summer University for PhD students, 3—8 July 2017 Moscow: 2nd deadline 1 March 2017

7th ISCAR Summer University for PhD students 

Cultural-historical psychology: interdisciplinary research perspectives & social practices

3-8 July, 2017

(MSUPE, Moscow, Russia)

The Official Call for Applications

The Second Application Deadline: March 1st, 2017

The ISCAR Summer University provides a broad introduction into the theory and practice of research in the field of development and education with a focus on the cultural-historical psychology and activity approach (L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leont’ev, A.R. Luriya). Continue reading 7th ISCAR Summer University for PhD students, 3—8 July 2017 Moscow: 2nd deadline 1 March 2017

Cultural-Historical Psychology Call for Papers (June 2017, Issue)

Dear Authors/Researchers,

Cultural-Historical Psychology is a peer reviewed International Journal founded by the Moscow State University of Psychology and Education. Published since 2005.

Cultural-Historical Psychology is an international journal that is dedicated to the history, current advances and future perspectives of cultural-historical psychology of L.S. Vygotsky. The journal aims to publish original works on methodological, theoretical and practical issues of cultural-historical psychology, activity theory and their contemporary modifications alongside concordant approaches.

Cultural-Historical Psychology is an open access journal. All content is available for non-commercial purposes. We do not charge any submission or publication fees.

Cultural-Historical Psychology is indexed in Web of Science (ESCI), PsycINFO, ERIH PLUS, EBSCO Academic Search, ULRICH web, DOAJ, Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI), Journal Scholar Metrics etc.

Cultural-Historical Psychology accepts manuscripts in Russian and in English.

Publication frequency: 4 issues per year

ISSN (online version): 2319 – 6718

ISSN (print): 1816-5435


Important dates are as follows:

Last date for paper submission:  10 May 2017

To submit your paper please contact us: [email protected] or [email protected]


With warm regards,

Boris Elkonin






The EDiTE project offers 15 full-time researcher positions in the field of Teacher Education at five universities (host universities) for well-motivated and excellent early stage researchers from Europe and other countries (under the condition that the funding authority approves the funding of all 15 ESR positions). The positions are financed from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie-Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement number 676452.

Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) are invited to apply to pursue individual research projects at one of the five partner universities (Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary; University of Innsbruck, Austria; University of Lisbon, Portugal; University of Lower Silesia, Wroclaw, Poland and Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic) in the framework of the joint EDiTE research program as employed researchers. They will also be enrolled in the EDiTE PhD programme at host universities. The overall term of employment is 36 months, which should be concluded by a successful research project with the awarding of the PhD title by the host institution and a joint EDiTE diploma by the EDiTE university consortium.

For information on how to apply, please visit

[Sent by Beata Zamorska via xmca]

Presentation JOURNAL Papeles de Trabajo sobre Cultura , Educación y Desarrollo Humano / Working Papers on Culture, Education, and Human Development

[I am posting this on behalf of MOISES ESTEBAN-GUITART. Please follow the link below to the journal and support it if you are interested. Malcolm Reed]

Dear members of the scientific committee of the Journal Papeles de Trabajo
sobre Cultura, Educación y Desarrollo Humano / Working Papers on Culture,
Education, and Human Development,

On behalf of the editorial board, I would like to thank you for your
support and acceptance to join the scientific committee of the Journal.
Your acceptance will certainly add value to the Journal and this will make
possible to visualize an international community which has certain
convergences around human behavior which were largely reduced during the
20th century both to the behaviorist “black box” and to the cognitivist
“mechanism”. Aristotle said that “Being can be said in many ways” and
elusive and complex concepts such as “culture” can also be conceptualized
in many different ways: social institutions, cultural artifacts,
lifestyles or sociocultural practices. In any case, I suspect that all of
us share a special feeling for the critical role that both culture and
education have for the development of higher psychological processes and
ultimately for the human mind and behavior.

Secondly, I would like to acknowledge and thank the work done by David
Poveda, founder of the journal, and also to the editorial team of the
“Universidad Autónoma de Madrid”. David has now taken the role of editor
of the Journal “Linguistics and Education” and it is my honor and pleasure
to inherit the editorial responsibility of the Journal that David began 10
years ago, in 2005, and which was edited, with the help of his team, in an
exceptional way and with great success. I would like to congratulate and
thank David and wish him good luck in his new publishing challenges.

Attached below you will find the link to the new website where you will be
able to see your names as part of the scientific committee as well as the
accepted papers, instructions for authors and reviewers and others:

The Journal has now opened a call for articles to be reviewed in any of
the three modalities previewed. The articles to be reviewed can be sent in
both Spanish and English to the following address: [email protected]

Do not hesitate to send an article, if you consider it appropriate, as
well as to facilitate information to colleagues and friends so they can
send their work. The Journal, as you will see, is oriented towards
conceptualization work, empirical analysis (preferably qualitative
studies) and social and educational intervention from a sociocultural
perspective. In this sense, the Journal sympathizes with other existing
journals such as “Culture & Psychology”, “Mind, Culture and Activity”,
“Learning, Culture and Social Interaction” or “Human Development”, of
which some of you are also editors. The particularity of Working Papers is
that it is one of the few journals that accept articles in Spanish from a
Vygotskian perspective emphasizing the relationship between human
development, culture and education.

We hope to be able to contribute towards reflection and putting into
action a way of understanding human condition in which we are the result
of participation in educational practice ( both in schools and beyond
them) in which we appropriate of the artifacts which orient, extend and
motivate higher psychological processes such as verbal thought, identity
or intentional memory. Proactive processes and mechanisms that mark the
psychological development of people as well as the particular relationship
among them and the ecological niches where human activity is located,
distributed and exists.

I just want to thank you again for your willingness and generosity.

Best regards,

Editorial board of “Papeles de Trabajo sobre Cultura, Educación y
Desarrollo Humano / Working Papers on Culture, Education, and Human